The Rada's Law Enforcement Committee voted in favour of the incomplete cancellation of the "Lozovyi amendments"

The Law Enforcement Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, chaired by People's Deputy Serhii Ionushas, has adopted a version of the draft law on reforming the Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office that does not fully repeal the "Lozovyi amendments".
Anti-Corruption Action Centre reports.
"Instead of completely cancelling all the necessary norms, deputies only cancel the terms in cases of suspicion," the statement says.
In other words, deputies cancelled only the part of Lozovyi's amendments that allowed closing the case if detectives and prosecutors needed more time to hand over the suspicion in the case within a specific time.
Instead, on December 5, the G7 ambassadors recommended: "to take the current draft (of the SAPO reform) as a basis and cancel "Lozovyi's amendments".
However, the committee did not take this recommendation into account. In addition, the deputies did not comply with the request of the G7 ambassadors and did not grant the head of the SAPO the authority to sign extradition requests and form investigative teams with law enforcement officers from other countries.
Read more about "Lozovyi's amendments" that help top corrupt officials avoid punishment in the article by Svidomi.