New Zealand announces new sanctions against Russia and Belarus

New Zealand imposes new sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Nanaia Mahuta, announced this.
The restrictions apply to the Russian military-industrial complex, paramilitary groups, and persons involved in the illegal deportation of children from Ukraine.
The sanctions list includes 14 Russian individuals and legal entities that produce or purchase weapons, electronic components, and technologies used by Russia in its war against Ukraine.
"New Zealand condemns these abhorrent, despicable, and immoral acts and calls on Russia to immediately cease its ongoing violent assault on Ukraine, its people, and its children," the minister said.
The sanctions also apply to six financial institutions in Belarus in response to Russia's increased support for its war against Ukraine.
"Belarus is actively supporting Russia as it continues to breach international law and fracture international peace and security," the statement said.
It will be recalled that on February 24, 2023, New Zealand imposed restrictions on 87 people, including people close to Putin, members of the Russian Central Election Commission, and military personnel involved in the war against Ukraine.