A fragment of the downed MH17 Boeing has been put up for sale on the Russian classifieds website Avito

On the Russian classifieds website Avito, a seller has put up for sale a fragment of a Malaysian Boeing aircraft, which was shot down by Russians on July 17, 2014.
Russian media reported this.
The part of the plane is called a "souvenir from Amsterdam" in the advert. The seller told the Russian media that he had found the Boeing fragment in his grandmother's garden in the village of Hrabove. The Russians had shot down the plane over that village.
The source also claimed to have worked for the OSCE mission that collected the wreckage.
The link to the advert is no longer available.
It will be recalled that in November 2022, the Hague court found the Russian servicemen, including Igor Girkin, guilty of shooting down MH17 Boeing and sentenced them to life imprisonment. A court in the Netherlands found that MH17 was shot down by a Buk missile system from Pervomaisk, temporarily occupied by Russia.
In January 2023, the European Court of Human Rights confirmed Russia's involvement in the downing of MH17.
In February, the Joint Investigation Team investigating the downing of the plane presented a report stating that the decision to hand over the Buk anti-aircraft missile system to the representatives of the illegal military formation 'Donetsk People's Republic' was made by the President of the Russian Federation.