Як знайомитись з місцевими за кордоном? Поради від Speak

Соціалізація — важлива складова життя українця за кордоном. Якщо ви мали досвід життя за межами України, то скоріш за все знаєте, як іноді не легко заводити знайомства та дружбу з іноземцями.
Щоб розтопити лід та зробити перший крок до знайомства, Свідомі у співпраці з онлайн-школою англійської мови «Speak» підготували невеличкий гайд, який корисно буде зберегти.
Фрази для знайомства:
I don't think we've met. I'm Yuliia.
How is it going?
Hi, are you from around here?
Is it OK if I sit here?
So, how do you know Kate?
Sorry to bother you, but would you mind helping me?
Фрази, які НЕ варто говорити при знайомстві:
What's up? — надто неформально
Can you do this right now? — надто вимогливо
Hey you! Come here — не ввічливе звернення та ще й наказ
You look so bad! — навіть якщо ви турбується про людину, краще не казати наскільки погано вона виглядає
How old are you? — багато хто соромиться відповідати на таке питання
Are you pregnant? — ви можете помилитися і образити людини
Теми для small talks та фрази, які можна вживати:
Oh, the weather seems better than I expected!
What a rain! Was it in the forecast today?
How good this weather is. I love it.
How well do you know this place?
Where is the nearest shop?
Where can I find the bathroom?
Is the coffee good here?
What place would you recommend to me?
Wow! You look stunning.
Your outfit is gorgeous. Where did you buy it?
That food is delicious!
It was disgusting! Don't go to this restaurant
I ordered tasty sushi yesterday. You should try them.
Did you watch that film in the cinema?
Did you have a great time at the concert?
I want to relax this weekend. Do you know any places to go?
Have you ever visited this city?
Can you advise me where it is better to go?
What places are must-sees here?
How long have you been going here?
You're doing great.
Did you do anything like this before?
What is your job?
How long have you been working in this sphere?
Why did you choose it?
Have you heard about that?
I wonder what will happen next.
I am shocked.
Як розповісти про себе як українця та про свою країну:
I am from Ukraine.
I am a refugee.
I am just visiting my relatives who migrated because of the war.
Ukraine is a country with inspiring people.
Ukrainians are freedom-loving people/nation.
There is beautiful nature from the mountains to the sea.
The Ukrainian army is the strongest.