Ukrainian troops to continue training on US Abrams tanks in Germany for several more weeks

Almost 200 Ukrainian military personnel will continue training on US Abrams tanks in Germany for several more weeks.
Spokesman for the US Army Europe and Africa Command Martin O'Donnell stated this in a comment to Voice of America.
The main course ended in August, but the Ukrainian side has requested an extension of the exercises.
"At Ukraine's request, the military will maintain their driving and repair skills before the 31 tanks, which the US has committed to refurbish and provide to Ukraine in the autumn, are ready. This skills training is expected to take several weeks," O'Donnell said.
The Abrams will be the third type of battle tank Ukraine will receive from international partners. The Ukrainian military already uses German Leopard and British Challenger tanks.
It will be recalled that the US has approved the transfer of the first batch of Abrams tanks to Ukraine. The tanks are to be delivered in early autumn.