Thousands of people protest in Budapest, Hungary, to demand the resignation of Chief Prosecutor Péter Polt and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
Budapest, Hungary (Svidomi) — Thousands of people have protested in the Hungarian capital after an audio recording was released of a cover-up of corruption in the government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Reuters reports.
The protesters marched from the Prosecutor General's Office to the parliament, shouting "Resignation, resignation". Péter Magyar was at the rally and published audio recordings.
"Hungarians thank you... for coming today in thousands... to tell the authorities that we have had enough," Magyar said.
The audio recordings were released on March 26. In them, Judit Varga allegedly confirms the conspiracy of Hungarian officials to cover up corruption. In the recording, she describes in detail how other officials had evidence removed from court records to conceal their role in corrupt business transactions.
Former Justice Minister Varga did not deny the authenticity of the recording.
"Péter Magyar made a secret recording of his ex-wife, me, in our home and is now using it to achieve his political goals. He does not deserve any trust," she wrote.
This refers to the former Secretary of State of the Department of Justice, Völner Pál. In 2022, he was accused of bribery. Neither he nor the former head of bailiffs, Schadl György, pleaded guilty.
In a statement, prosecutors said they would analyse the recording, which Magyar said he had made in January 2023, and collect additional evidence.