Russia is preparing false "elections" in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region

Russia is preparing false "elections" in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region

The Kremlin wants to organise illegal elections in this region. To rig the results, the Russians are using two tactics at the same time: pressure on the locals and replacement of the population. 

The General Staff reported this.

In early September, the Russians want to hold "elections" to the "legislative assembly" - a collaborative "local council" - in the occupied territories. 

Russia has previously held a "referendum" in the region in September 2022. The Kremlin was dissatisfied with the results, as the turnout was extremely low despite the pressure. 

In order to better falsify the results this time, the Kremlin is using a combination of tactics. 

On the one hand, it is increasing pressure on local residents to obtain Russian passports. To pay for utilities and phone calls, you need a Russian passport.

On the other hand, Russians bring unknown people to the temporarily occupied territories. They are settled in abandoned houses. Apparently, they will be used in Russian propaganda during the "elections."