Polish protesters at the Ukrainian border spill crops from Ukrainian trucks

Polish protesters at the Ukrainian border spill crops from Ukrainian trucks

Medyka-Shehyni, Poland-Ukraine (Svidomi) — Polish farmers protesting near the border opened a cargo container and spilled Ukrainian agricultural products, correspondents of the RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service reported

The incident occurred near the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint, a correspondent of the RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service says.

The protesters blocked the railway track for about 15 minutes, then returned to the highway, where they blocked the movement of freight transport.

In response to the demonstrations of Polish farmers, Ukrainian carriers launched their own protest.

"Ukrainians will not allow trucks with Polish licence plates to cross if the protesters let them cut in ahead of line. The action will last until March 15 but will end earlier if the Polish farmers stop their protest. The action is taking place in front of three checkpoints," a RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service correspondent reports.

Volodymyr Balin, Vice President of the Association of International Carriers of Ukraine, said that Volyn drivers have been holding a protest at the checkpoint near Yahodyn since February 15. He assures that there are no blockades. "If everyone is standing, they're standing, if everyone is driving, they're driving.

"The Polish government must have the political will to resolve this issue. Both with its farmers and with the European Commission. I am not sure that imports of Ukrainian products are the major problem for Poland. New requirements for growing and marketing conditions by Polish companies at the European level. There is something to discuss there," the Vice President of the Association adds.

At the same time, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reports that traffic on the Polish-Ukrainian border is being blocked more strictly:

  • At the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint, the Poles have completely blocked traffic for trucks;
  • Dolhobyczów - Uhryniv - until 5 p.m. on February 20, all types of traffic are expected to be blocked;
  • Zosin-Ustiług - from 1p.m. to 4 p.m., all traffic in both directions will be blocked, except for humanitarian goods;
  • Korczowa-Krakovets - until 9 p.m., trucks will be blocked from leaving, except for those carrying essential goods;
  • Hrebenne - Rawa Ruska - protesters will block the movement of all vehicles, except for humanitarian aid;
  • Dorohusk - Yahodyn - by 19:00, the organisers plan to completely block the movement of trucks in both directions.

It will be recalled that the Minister of Agriculture of Poland called on farmers protesting on the border with Ukraine to negotiate