Netflix plans to release the second season of "Vikings: Valhalla", where Yaroslav the Wise is called the ruler of Northern Russia

The authors of the series call Yaroslav the Wise the uncle of Olaf and Harald. It is known that another heroine of the series is called Elena, she is the daughter of a Russian nobleman in the series.
"Yaroslav the Wise was the Grand Prince of Kyiv from 1019 until his death. The time when Russia did not exist at all. Kyivan Rus is not Russia. Here is a brief history lesson," the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine responded on Twitter.
"Vikings: Valhalla" is an American fantasy series produced by Netflix. The action takes place a century after the events of the series "Vikings". According to the plot, the King of England orders to clear the island from the Scandinavians, as a result, a war begins between these peoples.
Later, Netflix changed its publication and called Yaroslav the Wise Prince of Kyivan Rus
Photo: NetflixValhalla / Twitter