About 150 endangered newts died due to the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP

They used to live in the Dnipro River, but the current carried them into the Black Sea - the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
Employees of the Tuzla Estuaries National Nature Park discovered the dead animals. At the same time, they managed to save 55 newts.
The Tuzla Estuaries are connected to the Black Sea. Newts cannot exist in salty sea water, where they were swept away by the flood caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP. The employees of the nature park transported the surviving newts to fresh water - to the Danube Biosphere Reserve.
The Convention on the Conservation of Wild Flora and Fauna and Natural Habitats in Europe lists the crested newt as an amphibian in need of special protection. It is also on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
However, this species is not listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. The researchers insist on the need to add these newts to the list.