At the Dorohusk railway station in Poland, unknown persons scatter Ukrainian rapeseed en route to Germany

At the Dorohusk railway station in Poland, unknown persons scatter Ukrainian rapeseed en route to Germany

Dorohusk, Poland (Svidomi) — In the Polish town of Dorohusk, unknown persons scattered Ukrainian rapeseed that was en route to Germany via Poland, according to Ukraine's Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov.

"Three grain carriers were opened. I will only say that unpunished crimes always recur. Be it military aggression or spoilt grain. The criminals must be punished so that others are not tempted to repeat them," said Minister Kubrakov.

Ukrainian railways company Ukrzaliznytsia said it was preparing a corresponding appeal to Polish law enforcement agencies.

It will be recalled that it is the third case of damage to Ukrainian agricultural products transported through Poland to other countries. 

On February 20, Polish protesters scattered agricultural products from Ukrainian trucks near the Medyka — Shehyni checkpoint for the second time.

On February 22, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that Poland would add border crossings with Ukraine to the list of critical infrastructure.