About "Svidomi"

«Свідомі» є зареєстрованим суб'єктом у сфері онлайн-медіа. Рішення Національної ради з питань телебачення та радіомовлення №2102 від 13.06.2024. Ідентифікатор медіа R40-04014.

In 2018, we were among the first to publish news on Instagram. We realised that if Ukrainians weren't going to traditional media, media could reach them in a convenient format. Aesthetic, short, and clear news that not only informs but also explains events — that's where our media story started. We wrote and continue to write about important social, political, historical, and cultural issues, now on social networks and our website, with even deeper analysis.

We've changed formats twice, gone through several team restructurings, and worked tirelessly during the pandemic and the first months of the full-scale invasion to keep our readers informed.

Our tagline — Exploring Meaning

Svidomi Media's Vision

Svidomi's vision is to become an authoritative source of analytical information that informs and inspires critical thinking and active civic engagement. The media strives to be a platform that thoroughly explores events and processes, offering a comprehensive understanding of key issues such as the war, Crimea-related issues, cultural phenomena, the development of civil society, and the decolonisation process.

Svidomi Media's Mission

Svidomi's mission is to create in-depth, analytical content that promotes a better understanding of significant social, political, historical, and cultural processes. The media aims to engage its audience in discussing complex and meaningful issues, focusing on the long-term perspective and highlighting issues of importance to Ukraine and the world.
