Uhryniv-Dołhobyczów checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Polish border is to be opened for empty trucks

Uhryniv-Dołhobyczów checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Polish border is to be opened for empty trucks

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has announced the opening of the Uhryniv-Dołhobyczów checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Polish border for empty trucks.

They posted the message on their Telegram account.

Trucks weighing more than 7.5 tonnes, except for empty untreated tanks, will be allowed to cross from Ukraine to Poland from 01:00 on December 4.

The SBGS notes that the opening of Uhryniv is the first item on the list of measures taken to unblock the border, reduce queues and increase the capacity of the Ukrainian-Polish border.

It will be recalled that Poland will step up checks of Ukrainian trucks at the border, as this was one of the demands of Polish carriers.