The Secretary General of the OSCE PA hinted that the head of the Latvian delegation, Kols, had slandered the Russian interpreter

In response, Kols reminded Secretary General Montella that Daria Bayarskaya had previously worked for the Russian Foreign Ministry. Kols demanded that Montella tell him who had given this assessment of the Latvian delegate's actions.
This is evidenced by letters from Montella and Kols published by a member of the Latvian parliament.
On 24 February, during an OSCE PA Standing Committee meeting, Richard Kols suggested that OSCE interpreter Daria Bayarskaya might be collaborating with Russian special services. Bayarskaya previously worked for the Russian Foreign Ministry and translated for Putin.
On March 1, OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella wrote a private letter to Kols in which he hinted that his actions could be qualified as defamation. Unnamed lawyers made this assessment of the assembly.
In response, Kols demanded that Montella tell him who exactly gave his actions such an assessment. He also wants the OSCE PA to publish a video of the Standing Committee meeting on 24 February.
Kols believes that the assembly wants to censor him. His speech on 23 February during the assembly received media attention because he called the Russian delegation war criminals. "Russian war carrier, fuck you," Kols said then.