The Ministry of Education and Science updated the content of general secondary education curricula

History of Ukraine, World History, integrated course "History: Ukraine and the World"
They offer a view of the USSR as an imperial-type state. Also, the programs focus on studying not only the instruments of violence that Ukrainians experienced in the 20th century, but also resistance to it.
Ukraine' Defense
The military-patriotic component has been strengthened: it is supplemented with information about the modern Russian-Ukrainian war and heroes, about the experience of conducting military operations. The sections on fire training, first aid and civil defense have also been added.
Health Basics
There have been added questions related to wartime risks, in particular: public air raid alert signals, actions during an air alert, shelling, etc., reliable and unreliable shelter, anti-mine protection and handling of explosive and unfamiliar objects, provision of pre-medical assistance and psychological self-help, etc.
Legal Studies, Civic Education
The study of issues related to human rights and the Russian-Ukrainian war has been expanded and information on International Humanitarian Law has been added.
World Literature
Belarusian and Russian authors have been removed, works of other writers were added instead. Students will study, in particular, the works of Jean de Lafontaine, O. Henry, Anna Gavalda, W. Stark, John Boyne, E. Schmitt, Joseph Roth, A. Granach.
Photo: The Ministry of Education and Science