Russian mechanics could have deliberately sabotaged the operation of Slovak MiG-29 fighter jets — Slovak Defence Minister

Jaroslav Naď said this in an interview with Denník N.
MiG-29s are Soviet-made aircraft that were in service with the Slovak army but were not used. The fighters were recently transferred to Ukraine.
"The Ukrainians came to Slovakia a week before their departure, brought spare parts, and inspected the planes... There were parts in the engines of the aircraft that Slovak technicians accessed, and then there were parts that Russian technicians only accessed. The defects appeared only in those parts accessed by Russians," Naď said.
The Defence Minister suggested that the malfunctions could have been deliberately caused by Russian technicians who were present at the Sliač airbase in Slovakia until 2022.
The Slovak police investigated the case and did not prove the Russians' intention, but the Ministry of Defence, according to the minister, "felt a loss of confidence in the Russian technicians at Sliač because mistakes kept appearing in places only they could get to."
In March, Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger said that the country would provide Ukraine with 13 MiG-29 fighter jets.