~Russia illegally detains 25,000 Kremlin prisoners

According to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, this is the number of civilians abducted by the Russian Federation.
The ZMINA Human Rights Centre has found that at least 21 prisoners require urgent medical care and may die unless they receive it.
During the full-scale invasion, the National Police began investigating the enforced disappearance of 8,800 people. Russian Children's Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova claims Russia has illegally abducted over 700,000 children from Ukraine.
The Media Initiative for Human Rights has identified about one hundred places where abducted civilians are held.
The Mission of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Qırım confirms 186 illegally imprisoned Ukrainian citizens, 60% of whom are Qırımtatarlar.
During the full-scale war, 2,576 Ukrainian citizens were returned to Ukraine, including 144 civilians.
Russians conduct forced psychiatric examination for arrested Remzi Nimetulaiev and Abdulmedzhyt Seitumerov
The activists detained in Bakhchisarai (Bağçasaray) were sent to a psychiatric hospital in the temporarily occupied Simferopol (Aqmescit).
This was reported by their lawyers, Marlen Kharikov and Emil Kurbedinov, according to the Crimean Solidarity.

"He is undergoing a Mental Status Examination," said Kharikov, who visited one of the prisoners in the hospital.
He also said that Nimetulaiev suffered from heart pain. It started in detention.
"The detention in such hospitals is, in fact, 'punitive medicine' - it is one of the ways of putting pressure on our clients," - said Seitumerov's lawyer Kurbedinov.
Nimetulaiev and Seitumerov, as well as Seidamet Mustafaiev, Eldar Yakubov, Ruslan Asanov and Ametkhan Umerov, were detained in August 2023 after searches in their homes.
The so-called 'Kyiv District Court' in Simferopol (Aqmescit) kept the men in pre-trial detention until the end of October 2023.
The so-called 'Supreme Court' of the temporarily occupied Crimea (Qirim) sentenced Mykola Petrovskyi and Serhii Kotov to 15 and 16 years in prison, respectively
Russians have detained residents of the Kherson region and convicted them of alleged "espionage".
This was reported by the Russian propaganda outlet TASS, citing the court's press service.
The hearing was held behind closed doors due to "state secrets".
Russian security forces kidnapped the volunteer Petrovskyi in March 2022 in Kherson. He was held in a basement for six months, and during the de-occupation of Kherson, he was taken out of the city. In one of the Russians ' videos, his mother said she had seen the Kremlin prisoner. Petrovskyi lost weight, and his arms were broken.
The Crimean FSS detained Serhii Kotov. He was transferred to the peninsula, where he was held in Detention Centre No. 1 and later in a special block for 'political prisoners' in Detention Centre No. 2 in Simferopol (Aqmescit). He has not been charged. His daughter reported that Kotov needed leg surgery.
First Deputy Chairman of the Qırımtatar Milliy Meclisi Nariman Dzhelial was forcibly transferred from the temporarily occupied Crimea (Qirim) to a Russian prison
Russians have illegally taken Kremlin prisoners Nariman Dzhelial, Asan and Aziz Akhtemovs from the temporarily occupied Crimea (Qirim).
This was reported by the wife of prisoner Dzhelial, Leviza, Crimean Solidarity says.

Nariman Dzhelial and Aziz Akhtemov were transferred to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and Asan Akhtemov was transferred to the Vladimir Central Prison.
According to Leviza Dzhelial, before the transfer, her husband was forbidden to call or write letters to his family.
Nariman Dzhelial is the first deputy chairman of the Qırımtatar Milliy Meclisi. Russia banned the organisation, recognising it as an "extremist" one. Brothers Aziz and Asan Akhtemovs are Crimean Tatar environmental activists.
The Russians illegally detained the men in September 2021 and accused them of alleged sabotage. A year later, the so-called 'court' ruled and sentenced Dzhelial to 17 years in a maximum security colony and Asan and Aziz Akhtemovs to 15 and 13 years, respectively.
From 2021 to 2023, they were held in a pre-trial detention centre in the temporarily occupied Simferopol (Aqmescit).
Kremlin prisoner Ruslan Mesutov needs immediate medical attention
Mesutov is being held in a prison in Lipetsk, Russia. The prisoner's sister visited him in prison and said Mesutov needed medical treatment.
This was reported by Crimean Solidarity.

The prisoner is not ready to speak publicly about his illness. But his health has deteriorated significantly.
"Those were happy moments, and it's hard to convey them. We forgot where we were. Only the door and the window, covered with small iron bars, reminded us of this," Mesutov's sister commented on the meeting.
Ruslan Mesutov is one of the founders of the Muslim religious community in Alushta (Aluşta). He was detained with Ruslan Nagaiev, Eldar Kantymyrov and Lenur Khalilov on June 10, 2019, in the temporarily occupied Crimea Qirim).
Mesutov was accused of alleged terrorist activities and preparations to seize power. In 2021, the 'court' sentenced him to 18 years' imprisonment.
Russians illegally sentenced four Ukrainian prisoners of war
The so-called 'courts' have convicted Ukrainian servicemen Maksym Subotin, Vitalii Antonov, Oleksii Lozovik and Artem Pukhalskyi.
The Investigative Committee of Russia reported on this.

Maksym Subotin was tried under the articles on 'cruel treatment of civilians' and 'robbery' and was illegally sentenced to 16 years in prison. Artem Pukhalskyi received an unlawful sentence of 19 years in custody.
Vitalii Antonov and Oleksii Lozovik were unlawfully sentenced to 24 and 28 years in prison for allegedly 'murder for political reasons' and 'cruel treatment of civilians'.
Subotin and Antonov disappeared in April 2022 in the temporarily occupied Mariupol. Oleksii Lozovik went missing in June 2022. Pukhalskyi disappeared in June 2022 in Orikhove, Luhansk region.
It will be recalled that the so-called "court" of the temporarily occupied Donetsk illegally convicted prisoners of war of Azov Ruslan Koliadiazhnyi, Mykhailo Chystopliasov, Ivan Bochkarov, and Dmytro Kanuper. They were sentenced to 26, 22 and 29 years, respectively.