Polish President supports dialogue with Ukraine amid Polish border blockade

Warsaw, Poland (Svidomi) — Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the President Andrzej Dera says that the president supports the offer of dialogue with Ukraine amid the Polish border blockade. On February 21, Volodymyr Zelenskyy suggested that the governments meet at the border under EU facilitation. Zelenskyy called on Duda to support this dialogue.
Andrzej Dera says that a meeting at the border is "not the safest" and that it would be better to meet in Warsaw, Lublin or Rzeszów. However, he understands the significance of this meeting.
"Mr President is doing everything in this spirit to support and help Ukraine. Let's not forget that everything that is happening at the border - this conflict with grain and agricultural products — is the result of the war," the Secretary of State at the Chancellery says.
He believes that the whole "conflict" stems from the fact that Ukraine's agricultural production standards are different from those in Europe. Therefore, the price for these products in Ukraine is different, and thus "Polish farmers are now fighting for their survival and existence".