In May, Russians detained at least 27 minors in the temporarily occupied Luhansk region

In May, Russians detained at least 27 minors in the temporarily occupied Luhansk region

Russian security forces persecute Ukrainian youth because of their views.

This was reported by the Eastern Human Rights Group.

In two cities in the Luhansk region alone, Antratsyt and Rovenky, Russians detained about 30 children. They visited Ukrainian websites and discussed Russian actions with teachers.

Antratsyt and Rovenky are two small towns located in the Luhansk region near the border with Russia. They have been under Russian occupation since 2014. On the eve of the full-scale invasion, Rovenky had a population of about 45,000 and Antratsyt about 52,000.

After their detention, the security forces officers threatened the parents that they would be deprived of their parental rights and that their children would be deported to Russia.

Ideological advisers to school principals are responsible for identifying dissenters. This position at schools was created after the start of the full-scale invasion.