Three US soldiers killed in Jordan in drone attack on outpost

Three US soldiers killed in Jordan in drone attack on outpost

Washington, USA (Svidomi) — Three American servicemen have been killed in Jordan in a drone attack on an outpost. At least two dozen soldiers were injured, CNN reports, citing US officials. This is the first time US troops have been killed by enemy fire in the Middle East since October 2023.

The US military was stationed in Jordan near the border with Syria. US officials say the drone was launched by Iranian-backed militants, most likely from Syria.

The US Central Command confirmed the attack on the base in northeastern Jordan.

By now, the militants have launched more than 158 attacks on US and coalition forces in Iraq and Syria. Previously, the attacks were considered unsuccessful because they did not cause serious injuries or damage to infrastructure. The latest attack was the first to result in the deaths of US military personnel.

It is unclear why air defences failed to shoot down the drone.