The war has caused an estimated UAH 10 trillion in damage to Ukraine's subsoil

The Russian aggression has caused approximately UAH 10 trillion in damage to Ukraine's subsoil — the Ministry of Environment.
They note that these are only preliminary estimates.
"It is essential for Ukraine that these funds are reimbursed. Therefore, Ukraine and international partners are working to determine a compensation mechanism.
"Either it will be a compensation commission at the UN or the International Court of Justice. But all these cases, all these calculations are formed at the operational headquarters of the State Environmental Inspectorate and other institutions that will still be calculated according to these methods. For each case, we have photo and video evidence," said Oleksandr Stavniichuk, Head of the Environmental Control Department of the Environmental Control and Methodology Division of the Ministry of Environment.
So far, the government has adopted seven methodologies to calculate the damage caused by the war to the environment. Damage is already being estimated in four areas.
These are land, soil, air and water resources.
"The State Ecological Inspectorate is working in this area, and almost UAH 2 trillion of damage has already been calculated. And this is just the beginning because much work still needs to be done. We also need to calculate the losses related to forests and the nature reserve fund," said Oleksandr Stavniichuk.