The Government starts working on a single Reform Plan until 2027

The Ukrainian Government has started working on a single Reform Plan until 2027, which will cover all areas that affect state institutions, the economy, and interaction with citizens.
This is stated on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Ukraine has a number of documents with reform proposals from its partners — from 7 EU recommendations to the IMF's list of structural beacons. In addition, the Concept for Strengthening the Stability of Democracy was developed at the initiative of Zelenskyy.
Now, based on all the documents, the Government has to develop "a roadmap for reforms."
The Concept of Strengthening the Stability of Democracy has been published on the Government's website, which will be used to develop a single Reform Plan until 2027.
It consists of three main areas:
- stability of democracy in Ukraine and the final cleansing from oligarchic and corrupt influence;
- development of competition, demonopolisation, and fair distribution of resources belonging to the Ukrainian people;
- development of transparent mechanisms of interaction with the state.
The first point includes:
- strengthening parliamentarism and the ability of voters to influence the processes of state management;
- strengthening the institutional capacities of state authorities;
- development of the judiciary.
The second point provides for guarantees of equality in relations between the state and all economic entities. This includes:
- protection of legitimate business interests from possible unlawful actions by law enforcement and prosecutors, as well as other public authorities;
- creating an effective mechanism of deoligarchisation in Ukraine and preventing the emergence of new oligarchic structures, introducing a national register of oligarchs;
- depriving the central executive authorities of the functions of managing state-owned enterprises aimed at making a profit, etc.
The last point involves empowering Ukrainian citizens to influence political decision-making and the course of the state.