Occupied Crimea: two human rights lawyers stripped of professional licences

Occupied Crimea: two human rights lawyers stripped of professional licences

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, Russians 'revoked' the lawyers' licences of Lilia Hemedzhi and Rustem Kiamiliev, representing the interests of political prisoners - Crimea SOS human rights organisation.

Both lawyers represented the interests of thirteen Crimean political prisoners. In particular, Hemedzhi defended eleven political prisoners in court, and Kiamiliev - two. 

From now on, they will not be able to defend their clients in criminal cases or represent their interests during pre-trial investigations and in courts.

The Mission of the President of Ukraine in ARC reported that the so-called 'Bar Association' cancelled the licences by means of a counterclaim when Hemedzhi and Kiamiliev tried to become members of this particular chamber.

The lawyers tried to appeal against the refusal to admit them to the chamber in court, but the 'Bar Association' filed a lawsuit to revoke their licences.