If we are united, we can ensure a just peace for all - Zelenskyy at the UN General Assembly

If we are united, we can ensure a just peace for all - Zelenskyy at the UN General Assembly

The President of Ukraine said that Ukraine had given up its third-largest nuclear arsenal. Still, history has proven that it was Russia that most deserved nuclear disarmament back in the 1990s. It deserves disarmament now.

Russia turns many other things into weapons, and these things are used not only against our country but against all other countries.

"There are many conventions that restrict the possession and proliferation of weapons, but there are no real restrictions on the use of food, energy and other things as weapons," Zelenskyy said.

Russia is trying to use food shortages on the world market as a weapon in exchange for recognition of its occupation of some - if not all - Ukrainian territories. Russia is also using food prices as a weapon.

Russia is turning nuclear energy into a weapon. 

"Look at what Russia has done to our Zaporizhzhia NPP: shelled it, occupied it and now blackmails others with the threat of radiation leakage," the President said.

Russia also uses children as a weapon. Mass abductions and deportations are part of the state policy.

"Kidnapped Ukrainian children in Russia are taught to hate Ukraine, and all ties with their families are severed. This is genocide," Zelenskyy said.

It is Russia that starts a new war every decade. Currently, parts of Moldova and Georgia remain occupied, Syria has been reduced to rubble by Russian actions, Belarus has been almost absorbed by Russia, and the Baltic states and Qazaqstan are in danger.

"Today, more than ever, humanity must act in full solidarity to save lives. Just as nuclear weapons are restrained, the aggressor and all its instruments and methods of war must be restrained," Zelenskyy added.

Ukraine is currently doing everything possible to ensure that no one in the world dares to attack any country after Russia's aggression. It has held talks and negotiations on the implementation of the Peace Formula in Hiroshima, Copenhagen and Jeddah and is preparing a Global Peace Summit

"I am aware of attempts to conclude some shady deals behind the scenes. Evil cannot be trusted. Ask Prigozhin if we should trust Putin's promises. Please hear me out. Let our unity decide everything openly," the President of Ukraine emphasised.