IAEA visits reactor buildings of ZNPP Units 2 and 4

The Russians allowed IAEA experts to visit the buildings of the second and fourth units of the ZNPP.
This was reported by the IAEA press service.
"Following visits to the first and third power units earlier in July, IAEA experts visited the reactor building of the second unit on July 17, and the next day — the fourth unit. In each case, the team inspected the main control room, reactor hall, spent fuel pool, emergency control room, the room where the safety system electrical cabinets are located, and the engine room," the organisation said.
The organisation's experts found no visible signs of explosives or mines in the turbine halls of the first, second and fourth units of the plant. But they have not yet received access from the Russians to the roofs of the third and fourth reactors and their turbine halls. Experts are trying to obtain permits