Government allows combat medics to perform blood transfusions

Government allows combat medics to perform blood transfusions

The government has authorised combat medics to perform blood transfusions at the pre-hospital stage.

The Ministry of Health announced this.

"Not only people with a medical degree, but also military personnel who have undergone appropriate training will be able to transfuse blood," the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Health is expanding a special training programme for combat medics.

Most combat medics who help and evacuate the wounded from the front line, while having the appropriate training and experience, do not have a medical degree.

"It is not easy to develop the infrastructure for the use of blood at the front, but we must move in this direction because the cost of hesitation is too high — we are talking about human life," said Health Minister Viktor Liashko. 

Earlier, the Medical Forces Command blocked the relevant government resolution.

It will be recalled that Ukraine has allowed the import of donated blood from abroad in case of urgent need during emergencies.