Don't ask Ukraine when the war will end, ask yourself why Putin is still able to continue it — Zelenskyy at the Munich Security Conference

Don't ask Ukraine when the war will end, ask yourself why Putin is still able to continue it — Zelenskyy at the Munich Security Conference

Munich, Germany (Svidomi) — President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a speech at the Munich Security Conference in which he criticised the lack of support for Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that if the world does not act now, Putin will be able to make the next few years disastrous for other nations.

Ukraine has already broken many myths spread by Russia. The first myth was that Ukraine was allegedly a 'fake country'. It was in Russia that a large-scale rebellion began, leading to the seizure of cities, internal fighting and an armed march on Moscow," Zelenskyy said, referring to the rebellion of the leader of the Russian PMC Wagner in June 2023, and added that was a typical sign of a fake state.

Another myth is that Russian weapons allegedly have some kind of superiority over Western weapons.

One more myth that Russia has spread is that Europe is supposedly too weak to defend itself. Instead, Europe has become a global power and is overcoming its dependence on Russia.

The President of Ukraine emphasised that despite the blockade of the Black Sea, Ukraine still managed to deliver over 23 million tonnes of cargo through the Black Sea and the Ukrainian export corridor. Since the beginning of this year, "there has already been a regular movement" of cargo to China, Spain, Egypt, Türkiye, Italy, Pakistan, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Libya and other countries.

"Ukrainians have proven that we can force Russia to retreat, we can restore the rules. And by doing so, we leave absolutely nothing of the key Russian myth — the myth that Ukraine allegedly cannot win this war," Zelenskyy said.

The President of Ukraine adds that "we all have to do not just anything, but everything possible to defeat the aggressor."

"Please remember, everyone, that dictators do not take holidays. Hatred knows no pause. The enemy artillery does not stop firing because of procedural problems. Soldiers who oppose the aggressor need sufficient strength," he stressed.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy stresses that Putin is a threat to all free nations, a "monster", a monster who invaded Ukraine and killed thousands and thousands of people, abducted and deported at least tens of thousands of Ukrainian children.

"Putin has slaughtered Chechens and Syrians, invaded Georgia, and ordered the execution of his opponents both outside the Kremlin and in the centre of London and Berlin. And yes, just yesterday he tried to send us all a clear message when the Munich Security Conference opened: Putin has killed another opposition leader," he added.

In addition, Zelensky added that the West must close "all the loopholes" in sanctions against Russia, and there should be no sectors of Russia's economy that are involved in its aggression but are free from sanctions. This applies primarily to the nuclear industry.

"Russian assets that have already been frozen should be confiscated. And we need to go further — to find, freeze and securely pacify every dollar accumulated by Putin and his friends," the President added.