British intelligence reports shortage of Russian artillery ammunition in Russian army

The UK Ministry of Defenсе reports this shortage has probably worsened to the point where rationing measures are being used in many parts of the frontline.
"This has almost certainly been a key reason why no Russian formations have been able to carry out any operationally significant offensives recently," the intelligence report reads.
It is also noted that Russia has most likely already resorted to using old stockpiles of ammunition that had been previously declared unusable.
The UK Ministry of Defence also drew attention to the fact that the Russian President's decree of March 3, 2023, provides for measures that will allow the Ministry of Trade and Industry to suspend the activities of defence companies that do not fulfill production tasks, bypassing the powers of the heads of defence enterprises.
"Russia is increasingly applying the principles of command economy to its military-industrial complex, as it recognises that its defence production capacity is a key weakness that is increasingly being depleted," the report reads.