The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has recognized Arkhyp Kuindzhi as a Ukrainian artist.

This is evidenced by the page on the website of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
"I don't know what exactly they paid attention to: Twitter posts, tags, or letters with biographies and explanations (literally how many years and where he lived and what he painted, 11 days ago on the artist's birthday I decided to write them a detailed letter), or also constant discussions about this among colleagues and articulation of the problem," wrote cultural journalist Oksana Semenyk.
In addition, the museum's website states that in March 2022, it was a Russian air strike that destroyed the Kuindzhi Art Museum in Mariupol.
As a reminder, on March 21, 2022, Russians destroyed the Kuindzhi Museum and stole the paintings. Seven original paintings were kept in the Museum of Local Lore and the Art Museum of Mariupol. Among the acquisitions were Arkhyp Kuindzhi's paintings Red Sunset, Autumn, and Elbrus, Ivan Aivazovskyi's painting Near the Shores of the Caucasus, and three unique icons.